Samuel Boham - Writer/Programmer

Samuel Boham has been an Indie Game Developer for over 10 years. His head is full of crazy and whacky ideas for games which is both a blessing and a curse as he hardly ever gets one game done before getting distracted by the hype of a new game idea. With age comes wisdom and discipline and now he's embarking on the mission of completing every single game idea he's ever had. Wish him luck!

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Etubi Onucheyo - Artist

Etubi is our extremely talented Illustrator and was responsible for the main game cover and all the in-game cutscene panels. You can check out more of his work via the links below, just don't poach him when he's working on our projects! ;)

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Eric Matyas - Composer

So Eric isn't an official member of this team but he was gracious enough to provide an online resource of free music for cheap developers like ourselves to help ourselves with on the condition that he's properly credited. So we're going to credit him every way possible! Check out his amazing portfolio below.

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Your Name - Beta Tester

What would video games be like without the selfless service and gruelling hours put in by Beta Testers to test every single aspect of the game. Please raise your glass and join me as we toast to these individuals who help us balance, tweak and debug our games till we get it just right.


AppGameKit - Framework

App Game Kit (AGK) is the framework that powers Xen the Alien. The framework was created by The Game Creators and allows you code once and deploy on multiple platforms. You can learn more about the framework via the links below.

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Developer: HexGEAR Studios

Founding Date: -

Website: xenthealien.com

Press/Business Contact: info@xenthealien.com

Social: Facebook.com/XenTheAlien, Twitter.com/XenTheAlien
